Harlow RUFC AGM 2024 Notification

Notice is hereby given that Harlow Rugby Union Football Club Limited will hold its Annual General Meeting at Latton Park on Wednesday 21st August 2024 commencing at 8:00pm.


  1. President’s Opening Remarks
  2. Apologies for Absence
  3. Approval of Previous Minutes and matters arising
  4. Chairman’s Report
  5. Financial Report to include report from the Trustees
  6. Rugby Report
  7. Appointment of Auditors and Bankers
  8. Resolutions
  9. Appointment of Executive Officers
  10. AOB
  11. President’s Closing Remarks


  • A quorum of 20 Members is required to proceed with the AGM.  If the number is not reached, then the meeting will be postponed and rescheduled within 30 days.

  • Only Full Members aged 18 years or over of Harlow Rugby Union Football Club Limited can attend and vote at the AGM.  Proof of membership will be required.

  • Members will have the opportunity to ask competent questions at the end of each report and in AOB at the end of the AGM.

  • Resolutions which are competent for AGM discussion should be lodged with the Honorary Secretary, Mr Kenneth Potter (honsecretary@harlowrugby.club) no later than midnight on Wednesday 14th August 2024.

  • The Proposer and Seconder must both be Full Members and are both required to attend the AGM to present their Resolution.

The following positions are elected by the Members at the AGM:

  • Chairman
  • Vice Chairman
  • Honorary Secretary
  • Chair of Rugby
  • Treasurer


  • Any Full Member, over the age of 18 on Wednesday 21st August 2024, is entitled to be nominated for any of these roles.  Nominations for each of these positions are required in writing to the Honorary Secretary, Mr Kenneth Potter (honsecretary@harlowrugby.club) no later than midnight on Wednesday, 14th August 2024.

  • Each nomination requires a Proposer and a Seconder (the Nominee, Proposer and Seconder must be Full Members, and all three are required to attend the AGM).

  • If there is a need for a ballot for any position, then this will be carried out by a show of hands. Should a vote be required then two members will be appointed as scrutineers.

The incumbent Executive is empowered to nominate members for these roles and as such they have nominated the following.

  • Chairman: Mr Christopher McFerran

  • Vice Chairman: Mr Stephen Foreman

  • Honorary Secretary: Mr Kenneth Potter

  • Chair of Rugby: Mr Kevin Harman

  • Treasurer: Mrs Tracey Wedd

If anyone wants to know more about any of these roles, or have any questions regarding the forthcoming AGM, then please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Executive.

Mr Kenneth Potter

Honorary Secretary

03 August 2024