Hot Off The Press AGM Report

A very healthy number of eligible members turned up last night to the Club AGM to reflect on what has happened in the past year, to learn about what the short and long terms plans are for the Club and understand the current financial position in which we find ourselves in and how we plan to deal with it.  This report is just a brief overview of what was discussed, debated and decided upon, pending the issue of the formal minutes in due course.


President, Alan Price, opened proceedings and welcomed the 50+ attendees to the AGM before going on to offer his heartfelt thanks to all Club Volunteers who have given, and continue to give, their time so willingly in order to ensure that the Club thrives.  However, Alan then went on to discuss the extremely difficult financial position in which Harlow RUFC currently finds itself and this was a common theme interwoven through many of the Reports presented by member of the Executive Committee.  Chris McFerran, Chairman, carried on this vein by pointing out some very difficult decisions around expenditure and cost cutting that had been or were being made in order to protect the future of the Club and allow it to the best possible version of itself in future years.  He stated emphatically that rugby is the reason we exist and is and will be our major focus going forward.  Without rugby, we have no Club and without a Club, we have no rugby!

Tracey Wedd (Treasurer) reported to the meeting on the extremely difficult financial situation that the Club was in (like many others nationwide).  Her report was hard-hitting and made for difficult listening but it was factual and highlighted why difficult decisions had been made and will continue to be made

In a step away from the norm, Stephen Barrett addressed the floor to assure members that he and his fellow Trustees shared the Executive’s concerns around the current financial position but went on to outline a number of very positive steps that the Club are taking to improve our financial standing including improved sponsorship offerings, revamped commercial opportunities as well as forensic examination of all Club expenditure.  Further information on several new initiatives will be rolled out in the coming weeks and months.  The meeting was informed that the whole Club operation was subject to critical review (including from external sources) and that this will continue to be the case for the foreseeable future in order that the Club can survive and thrive.

Further reports were delivered to the meeting including Hon Secretary, Membership/Volunteers, The Year Ahead etc before the meeting was delighted to hear of the many successes throughout the Club from Minis to Senior 1st XV. Male and female, old and young.  From the success of the Minis continuing to grow in numbers, to the Girls competing at multiple age groups, from the 1st XV’s very commendable 3rd place in their new league to various cup and league successes enjoyed by the Boys Youth teams – it was great testimony to the effort and hard work put in by not only the players and coaches but the dozens of volunteers who support these achievements.  All involved deserve our gratitude and appreciation.

There being no other nominations put forward and the current incumbents indicating the willingness to continue in post, the existing Executive Committee (C. McFerran – Chairman, S Foreman – Vice Chair, T. Wedd – Treasurer, K.Potter – Hon Secretary)  was reappointed.  Kev Harman was confirmed as the new Chairman of Rugby.  A resolution to create a new position on the Executive – Club Transformation Officer – was unanimously accepted and Paul Eynon will be co-opted to fill this role pending ratification at an EGM, if required.  Congratulations, Paul
Thank you to all attendees and, hopefully, this provides a useful summary for those unable to be there.  Please refer any queries to me or any other Executive Committee member.