Men’s 1st XV NEWS

We look forward to welcoming the following teams to Latton Park next season!

Brentwood : Chelmsford : Dagenham : Eton Manor : Holt : Rochford Hundred : Stowmarket : Wanstead : Westcliff : Woodford : Wymondham


The Men’s Senior Squad returned to training at the beginning of July and under the stewardship of coaches Michael Weston and Ian Rundall, with the added support of head physiotherapist and now strength and conditioning coach Kyrah Fraser have been putting in significant effort to prepare themselves for the upcoming season.

The pre-season phase has included aerobic and anaerobic interval training including the RFU fitness test and, as the start of the season approaches a greater emphasis will be placed on anaerobic high intensity fitness conditioning with match specific conditioning which mimic the demands of a rugby match. Contact sessions will gradually be phased in, from contact shields and semi-contact to full contact, all carefully managed to avoid unnecessary injury during pre-season and condition players for match contact.

Fitness and pre-season are the cornerstone of any success and it’s been pleasing to see that attendance has been at an all-time high with the players very much committed to working towards our expected standard, with many exceeding expectations! The team has managed to retain almost of all last season’s squad and are excited to welcome new signings, Prop, Sam Clarke from Dagenham and Second Row, Dan Peasnell from Letchworth.

Away from the training pitch, it’s also been pleasing to see the squad bond over the last few weeks, with a social trip to Harlow dogs and many attending the club to watch the Euros and follow England’s journey to the Euro 2024 Final.

All the hard work put in now will provide a strong foundation for the upcoming season. Thank you all, for your continued support!

Onwards and Upwards!

Paul Tucker ‘Tux’
1st XV Manager