Message from the Honorary Secretary: Ken Potter

As you may have seen in other recent communications, the Club’s 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Wednesday, 21 August at Latton Park, starting at 8.00pm.  The Formal Notification of AGM will be published shortly and will  be posted within the Club premises and on our various media platforms.  Here are a few FAQ’s.
  • Do I need to attend the AGM?  Whilst there is no requirement to come along, the Club welcomes the attendance of all eligible members so as to enable a better understanding of how we do things and why we do them.  It is your Club, so this is an opportunity to have even more of a say on how we function
  • Why do we need an AGM?  In accordance with our Articles of Association (Club Constitution), we are required to annually update Full Members with information about matters such as our business performance in the previous 12-month period and strategic planning for the coming financial year
  • What happens at the AGM?  Briefly, the AGM will review the minutes of the last AGM, will hear various reports from the Chairman, Chair of Rugby, Hon Secretary and Treasurer informing members of key points from the past year.  The AGM will consider all nominations for the following Club Executive roles – Chairman, Vice Chairman, Hon Secretary and Treasurer.  Where required, all properly nominated and seconded candidates will be considered by the AGM and, where required, a vote from the floor will be held to elect postholders
  • Who can attend the AGM?  In accordance with the Club Constitution, the AGM is open to all Full Members aged 18 or over on 21/08/24 and they are entitled to one vote each (where required)
  • Can I submit a motion to be considered by the AGM?  Yes, competent motions can be submitted for consideration by the AGM, subject to being submitted in line with the Club Constitution requirements (full details to follow within the Formal Notification)
Look forward to seeing you at the AGM on Wednesday, 21 August!