The RFU Safeguarding team recognise how valuable parents and volunteers are to the rugby club. They offer time, effort and expertise and want to ensure that parents and volunteers are fully equipped to be best suited to support the rugby club.
Everyone shares the responsibility for safeguarding and creating safe environments in rugby union whether as a parent, coach, spectator or club official.
All should operate within an accepted ethical framework and demonstrate exemplary behaviour to both safeguard children and protect all personnel from allegations of abuse or poor practice.
Children, who are anyone under the age of 18, must be cared for i n the correct manner, as set out in the RFU Safeguarding Children Policy.
The RFU want to ensure that parents understand just how impactful they can be on their child’s development in rugby. They strongly encourage parents to do the following:
For volunteers in rugby, as well as parents, the RFU have put together the below resource library. This library contains guidance notes that take mandatory expectations from the RFU Safeguarding Policy and Regulation 21, and supplements them with additional information and advice that clubs may find useful. It is recommended that these guidance notes are adopted by clubs, unless exceptional circumstances arise.