Time for change…

As the title may suggest following a review of our operation, we are having to implement some major changes in our operation some having already been implemented,

As you read this, we say farewell to Zoe Harman, Zoe brought a fresh approach to the operation implementing several initiatives along the way which I’m sure we will benefit as time progresses, we wish Zoe well for the future and on behalf of all club members – we thank you.

This past year we have continually heard the phrase “Cost of Living” if anyone believes that fortress “Harlow Rugby Club” is somehow shielded from this you are so so wrong!

Rising costs in utilities, statutory services, repairs, maintenance, goods all have a detrimental and long-term effect.

The simple arithmetic here is: Less coming in and rising costs = Results in a lot less going out!

With this in mind, we are having to be more aggressive and stringent on expenditure.

Our focus going forward is events, sponsorship and income with this in mind we have completely “overhauled” the club’s website and brochures along with revised sponsorship packages and I express our gratitude to the development team below in delivering this on time.

Tracey Wedd, Nina Holmes, Victoria Broad, Chris Frankland-Wright, Rory Charles, Kevin Harman.

Tracey Wedd takes on the additional role of MD, a position that will provide the much-needed focus and drive in delivering sustainable income and growth through the Rugby Club in order that we can continue to invest in and deliver Rugby at all levels.

John Roberts of Whiskers fame and life member was recently invited in becoming a trustee of the club and I am delighted to announce he accepted, in this role he will provide us with another level of scrutiny and much needed guidance.

Tux has not gone away completely! He will focus along with Michael Weston, Ian Rundall and Ben Creasey in ensuring the pinnacle of any rugby club, the 1st XV continue to take us forward and be an

inspiration for our Minis, Juniors and Colts throughout the forthcoming season whilst providing support for the senior section.

Equally our Ladies XV and girls’ section continue to grow in strength attracting new players with many now playing representative rugby.

The AGM is to be held on the 21st of August formal notices will be made as appropriate nearer the time however this is not the only time you can volunteer your services we have already had a number of members come forward and we are identifying tasks and or roles that might be suitable for them if you wish to get involved, please contact either myself, Steve Foreman and or Tracey.

Looking further ahead, December 2025 will be the 70th anniversary of the club’s formation, plans are in the initial stages for us to celebrate this milestone with a number of events throughout the 2025-2026 season.

Don’t wait for the season to commence why not get yourself down to the club and enjoy a well-earned drink or two – there’s drink with your name on waiting for you!

If you want to make contact to discuss anything, please do not hesitate in contacting me.


Yours in Rugby


Club Chairman

